Specially for you dear Nora .... Happy birthday to you and may all your wishes and dream comes true and may you be blessed always by HIM....penat tau buat kan gambar kat atas tu....heheeeeee
It's also from all of us here in the makcik bloggers land
... I know tears are at the corner of your eyes now....go get the tissue and wipe it away....today is your happy day takmo nangis ye 

Remember the cheesecake that Huda wanted to celebrate for her friend's birthday? see the pictures here
Nothing much to membebel today except all I did yesterday afternoon was to do my billings that never seem to end............glad that when I am away I don't have to see those invoices any more but that means no extra income.
Have a beautiful sunday everyone.
I just got back from the market and I bought these - cray-fish.... unfortunately as soon as I reached home received sms from my sis Aini we going out to lunch @ The Orchid Country Club...maid farewell lunch...will write on that another entry.
Happy birthday to kak elle's friend. Rajinnya kak buat gambar tu, nak menuntut ngan akaklah.
Thank you.. I was speechless!
Happy birthday to her..
cray fish? tak pernah dengar and tak pernah tengok kak elle.. macam prawns je rupa dia..
Thank you on behalf of Nora she will read it.
Senag aje nak buat gambar tu:)
speechless tu takpe jgn meleleh pulak kang banjir BP nanti...hehehe
anyway happy birthday sekali lagi.
tak pernak nampak crayfish...ye isi nya seakan crab and prawns..nanti nak panggang aje.
Eeeee, geli tengok crayfish tu... Cam makluk asing.. Hehe.
hehe geli eh?the isi very de;icious tau macam lobster.
Happy birthday Nora !!
Cray fish namanya , I ingat prawn I pernah nampak tapi I geli sikit sebab nampak macam scorpion .
Nanti tunjuk ye akak masak apa dengan cray fish tu .
saya goreng nganncili padi and daun kari with butter and black pepper for dinner last night...rasa nya mcm lobster and prawns.
Happy Birthday kak Nora..
Kak elle ni bestlah...selalu ingat birthday kengkawan...anie pun tak ingat birthday Nora...nanti nak pi blog dia lah...hehehhe
Akak dah tukar url ke?...nak kene tukar kat link anie tu...
Kak...camaner nak masak cray fish tu...rasa macam udang ke?
Terima kasih buat Zany, Neexa, Rina, Azjie serta kak Anie di atas ucapan nya...Thank you so much!
eh hari tu kan anie dah masuk rumah baru..
tak selalu bolih ingat kekadang lupa juga...
sedap crayfish tu mcm udang tapi tebal mcm lobster.
oh b'day girl dah ucap terima kasih sendiri:)
Kak Elle sya lupa nak wish tau... teruk sya ni absent minded sungguh
takpe bukan sengaja kan?you opun busy ngan orders itu chicken pie yg saya tunggu2...hahaha
better late than never...
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