Why selected is the title of today's entry?Now it makes me wonder too why I was invited to the staff conference in January @ Harris Resort Batam
'got prawns behind the rock'....hehe bak pepatah melayu 'ada udang sebalik batu' ... according to the non academic staff this is first time the non academic is invited all these years only the teachers.... so that means I am lucky eh?.....ok....ok ..... aunty nurse has been selected
selected to be with the academic team to organise events for next year...and I was named in 2 events no 1:Total Defence Day and no 2:National Day.I received the email from the Vice Principal and my team leader Mr Michael Teo ... almost fell off my chair when I read the email.
I guess lots of discussion will be done during our retreat in Batam and I'd better crack my head what to present .... being a nurse I guess the most likely topic will be on health ... yes "pandemic" ... I have lots of stuff to gather before I go on that long leave as the staff conference is on 12th & 13th January 2 days after I arrive back from the states and bear in mind during that period I will in my jet-lag mode.
Any suggestions???
Think .... think .... think ..........
Actually I'd rather be selected for International Day where we present food of all nationalities but then the top people knows better.

Ho ho ho .... cheesecake coming up .........

Plain cheesecake with cinnamon and pink sugar topping ........... tonite we'll see if jadi tak ok?
till my next entry ...........

I guess lots of discussion will be done during our retreat in Batam and I'd better crack my head what to present .... being a nurse I guess the most likely topic will be on health ... yes "pandemic" ... I have lots of stuff to gather before I go on that long leave as the staff conference is on 12th & 13th January 2 days after I arrive back from the states and bear in mind during that period I will in my jet-lag mode.
Any suggestions???

Actually I'd rather be selected for International Day where we present food of all nationalities but then the top people knows better.
Ho ho ho .... cheesecake coming up .........
Plain cheesecake with cinnamon and pink sugar topping ........... tonite we'll see if jadi tak ok?
till my next entry ...........
surprisingly i am still awake so boleh comment... kasi fedex itu cheesecake jugak kak elle.. kasi semu alow fat ya so that i can eat.hehehe...
yeah tonite i am the firs to comment
lately ni lambat tido kenapa ek?
FeDex itu cheesecake sampai sana kena jilat the box ummi...hehe...
saya juga gi retreat kak, esok, tapi PD jekk, nasib baik sehari je, ada yang lain kat sana 3 hari, selamat.... kalau gi obersea, sebulan pun takpekan, kan.....
rezeki tu kak elle, temfek gambar banyak-banyak ok.
retreat patut untuk R&R tapi ni buat discussion pulak...ingat nak borong kat sana dan gi Spa...haha
itulah kak, pergi untuk crack our head, hu, hu, .......syukur, kali ni ketua je pergi.
best kak ke spa, layannn....mesti murahkan kat sana.
wow..u r soo lucky sis,to be selected among the non-academic,mmg kaki kanan masuk keje situ kan.tp,tgh jet-lagged tu..camno tu..hehe
kan ku nnt ciskek itew...mlm ni titon mimpi ciskek ler..huhu
ntah ada masa ntah tidak nak buat semua tu kang satu hari ngan my jetlag duduk discuss....
rezeki betul kerja kat situ kan?
nak cheesecake beli aje kat secret recipe eh...hehe
big challenge eh. They knew you're capable kak..good luck.
Nanti tentu ada brainstorming session - masa tu InsyaAllah idea mencurah-curah..
kalau bolih tak nak get involve at all biar lah teachers aje yg asal they know better:)
insya'allah and hope to get ideas and total defence day is in february....
Syabas ! Seronok kerja kalau macam tu, boleh diterima oleh semua orang di tempat kerja . Naik bot ke Batam nanyi usah tersilap terjun laut sebab masih jetlag... kalau ke US memang parah jetlagnya, saya 5 hari baru pulih sebab jenis tido awal , tu yang makin teruk.
Cepatlah tunjuk gambar cheezecake tu :)
hehe...saya prob akan tido dlm 1/2 jam ke Batam.
eh kan ada cheesecake tu...plain aje kalau jadi mlm ni akan buat yg lebih canggih...hahaha
tadi tak keluar gambar cheesecake tu.... nak jugakkkkk :)
hehhee...baru letak asal baru habis buat:)
Mestilah they all kena select Kak Elle, aunty Nurse kesayangan yg serba boleh...
nurse penting dalam sekolah sebab nanti boleh bagi suggestions to the academic people.. for example, tolong jangan bagi budak2 stress sangat.. nanti diorang sakit teruk, langsung tak pergi kelas lama hehee..
sedapnya cheesecake!!
ni pertama kali non academic kena involve asal pertama kali sekolah ada nurse.
ni untuk event 'Total Defence Day'the day Japanese surrender..
nak cheese cake ye? eh hari tu kan neeza dah buat..
haaaaaa kak elle nak gi Batam wat apaaa? batam tu kan.... ehem ehem teringat kak elle cakap masa makan ketam dr adah belanja aritu.. he he he
nyum nyum...teringat ketam kat chai chee... thanks dr adah emmuaaahhhh
itew cheese cake menggoda kelbu..yummy npk
Batam trip for staff conference in January and staying at Harris Resort for 2 days.
Yeah seafood kat Chai Chee sedap.
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