How issit?ignore that double fat chin ok .... hehehe ... I paid $5.95 for the wool and I got myself a muffler ... well the yarn was bought during clearance sale at SpotLight otherwise its abt $15/-for the 3 rolls....good deal rite? Yes sometimes its good to buy things during their clearance for new arrivals.
Now its payback time the tag that Sya want me to do on workstation... actually I never like being tag ... so remember that and read my

The room door .... yes I am stationed at the boys sickbay ... because the girls sickbay has 3 beds very crowded ... the boys room only has 1 bed because they have to put in 2 tables for me when I start work but come next year when the new wing is ready I will have a bigger room and bigger sickbays for them .... and that means more work for me ... being me I like pretty things so I decorated my door and for now its xmas atmosphere .....
My workstation is simple as its temporary ... 2 students tables ... pc of my own with connection to few printers at admin office...on the wall I have photos I snapped during the school activities and ofcourse photo of Will ... seeing Will make me happy - just look at his cutie face so lovable.
On the table blood pressure machine, a shell with sweets for the students when they come to see me (from my own pocket ok), a novel should I get bored surfing on the net ... hehe and of course my knitting.The piece of paper next to Will are the teachers name and which class they belong as I have to email them when students reported sick or I am sending home...and my email not only to the class teacher but to VP,lead tutor,my boss and the subject teachers to let them know student is missing from class.Besides sweets I also have 2 bottles of asam2 ... for those who feel sick like throwing up the prescription suck the asam......hahaha .... no just kidding.
Next to my room is the chairman's room and he is in only in the morning ... so can yahoo2 lah...but them the principal and vice principals are just 2 doors away ... so where can yahoo2 rite?
Dinner tonite .... baked baby potatoes with butter and black pepper ..... sedap habis ...
till my next entry .............
dah siap mengemas rumah, memasak pula ye kak, nak resepi potato boleh? simple and healthy kan.
Cantik office Kak Elle... Kalau lah Cath jadi student kat situ, mau hari2 sakit... Haha!
suka tengok meja akak tak stress lansung!
rasa-rasanya la.. muffler tu, kalau pakai time2 sejuk kat jubail ni memang sesuai.. hahaha!!!
neeza sekarang ni on and off sejuk panas.. maklumlah ada orang lain kat dalam ni.. tu yang panas aje.. :))
kemas workstation kak elle.. macam orangnya jugak :)
dah malas nak kemas rumah biar tu aje yg ada:)
baby potatoes ni kena cuci bersih ye asal kita makan ngan kulit nya...rebus ngan sedikit garam bila dah empok buangkan air dan gaul ngan butter and black pepper grill sekejap dlm oven..saya gunakan the oven toaster.
hehe...thats why lot of them always ask permission if they can lepak with me even though tak sakit...apa lagi lepas balik minta gula2:)
mana bolih compare ngan meja cikmilah yang ada banyak kepetusan nak dibuat untuk dibentangkan masa meeting ngan top people...hahaha
saya cuma berinteract ngan anak2 aje:)
betul tu sedap untuk weather in the northern atmosphere tu..
bila neeza due ye?
bilik aunty nurse mesti lah kemas kan?
cat rumah tu dah tone down birunya ya? ke mata ummi yang kabur? hehehe
aha dah tone down jadi tak terang baru bangun tido ke?
Amboi dah ada rumah baru , siap dengan perabut Fella Design, canggih gitu !
Kalau ada pertandingan meja paling kemas tentu I akan pilih eja akak... tak nak belanja meesiam ke ????
saya tunggu ketibaan wanmommy ke rumah baru tapi senyap aje ingat dah jalan jauh ... hehe
nak meesiam mai lah sini saya masak kan.
PS... banyak teachers suka bilik saya kata mereka very cosy ye lah saya burn aromatheraphy oil so wangi sehari...hehehe
kemas aje kan...bolik maklang kadang tu berterabur dengan reports , drawings etc..:)
bilik engr mana nak sama ngan bilik misi...hehe
meja saya kalau berserak pun benda2 saya macam my knitting stuff.
Wah Cantiknya umah baru n office baru akak Elle.
Rumah baru ni, cepat sikit bukak pintunya bila diketuk...
thank you:)
pintu baru mama belum berkarat lagi...hehe
Kak elle, ur office very cosy lah.. kalau sya sakit pun leh jadi baik sbb tak npk cam klinik
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