I just got back from the market and I bought these - cray-fish.... unfortunately as soon as I reached home received sms from my sis Aini we going out to lunch @ The Orchid Country Club...maid farewell lunch...will write on that another entry.
My new project in the making .... I began knitting it this morning and hope to complete it by tomorrow so I can send it out ASP .... I bought the yarn from Spotlight together with my muffler's yarn.This yarn above actually I is to make a pair of glove but after reading the instruction .... jadi malas pulak as it needed so many neeedles for each fingers to be knitted.So this morning when I took it out from my treasure box I decide to do something for someone as a surprise.
To see the outcome come back tomorrow evening insya'allah hope to complete it as I don't have the little ones to disturb me @ the sick bay.
Bought the above yesterday from Cold Storage as my niece Huda want me to do a cheesecake for her as a suprise for the friend's b'day I think .... I hope the cheesecake is not for smashing at the b'day girls' face ya? If it is then I am not doing .... hahaha
I like to buy readymade base as its so handy and affordable and whats more CS was selling at an offer of 50 cents less so I bought 3 -greedy kan?.. afterall long expiry date so why not?
Project cheesecake will be on friday night so if you wanna see the result come back ya on saturday and see if it turns out well or not......the expert with cheesecake I think are the ones who always showing their cheesecakes in their blogs ..... hahaha ....
The tanghoon goreng was a great success ... all gone not a drop left ... and I am so happy:)
I told the girls my kitchen is closed tomorrow as I am sick!..... sick of cooking!!!!
So tomorrow everyone has to go on diet ..... maybe I have sandwiches instead.
Yippee managed to complete @ 11 pm ... record time .... but it looks kind of a bit big though just hope it fits his head.
Update 7.45am..
Managed to fry carrot cake this morning so alhamdulillah ada juga untuk lunch ... tapi tak bolih share with too many people maynot be enough to go round.
till my next entry ..............
Where are the reccessions??..... shopping malls still with crowd of shoppers , people still going on holiday oversea especially now its a school holiday and as Zen's wrote ... at a particular shopping mall there are 5 xmas trees all decorated with lights 20 metres apart??? ... save electricity!!
Anyway we live day to day and life will go on ..........hope things will ... hehe yes pick that phone it maybe good news.....hahaha
Tonite I had to prepare the rencah2 to fry tang-hoon early tomorrow morning ... looks like I've been nominated chef of the month since the canteen close ... hehe ... semua menunggu up to the teachers ... anyway tomorrow's food is sponsored by my boss she bought all the ingredients and I do the cooking.Will upload the picture tomorrow if I remember .... I will be cooking the chinese style with mushroom,dried prawns and chicken meat .... its for 20 hungry staff to eat ....
Updated @ 7.30am
Finally tang-hoon ready to be eaten ... started cooking at 6am (hari ni dapat masuk lambat sikit asal kena masak).... ummi as requested tu dia so'oon goreng ala cina.
I will put up the recipe later so check it out @ my dapurkakelle soon....
till my next entry..............
Dinner tonite .... baked baby potatoes with butter and black pepper ..... sedap habis ...
till my next entry .............