At last sayang mama can come and stay but only when I can have few days leave so I can get acquinted with Billy .... First of all I like to thank uncle Chris for his help to fix the wire mesh for me - it really save lots of money otherwise I had to change window grilles to smaller measurement and thats going to cost a bomb!and moreover the gate will be another problem as I am not willing to have it change as that gate of wrought iron cosy me 1.6K

Sayang mama Garpy my love for you will never change not even a bit - you are my first love and because of you darling the fear of touching a cat disappear within a day "love at first sight"... hahaha

Sayang mama - Billy who will soon be my companion to play with and keep me entertain with his tricks ..... mama will love you too darling:)
Before you can come and stay mama have to make sure the house is safe for you to live in as mama will be working and you be alone for few hours.

plastic wire mesh been put up at windows and gate .....

I would also like to thank a lady who has left tips to care on cats to 'go beyond the horizon' thank you so much for you help being a first time cat mama it is a very useful info.
More pictures of Billy when he finally move in ..... wait patiently ah:)
till my next update ............
mama tak cayang ke orang di sini?!! hehehe...
ni yang jeles ni...
haha sayang meh lah stay ngan mama?
jgn jeles eh kasih sayang pada haiwan lebih sikit:)
Kak...nyamuk pun takut nak masuk rumah....he..he..
Billy ..billy...he looks like our 'late' cat - NANU.
semalam Zaid kata Umair dah pandai sebut " mow, mow " bila nampak gambar cat , kalau dia nampak Billy, siaplah kau Billy ..hihi.
salam aunty...wahhh lovely billy...teringat kat the manja kiki and the garang misty kat malaysia ehehe
dearest kak elle
yes we hv a cat name GRAY = ) I always hv a cat in my life. Congrats again on Billy, i am sure your life will be double as colourful now. I look for ward to stories and pictures of Billy = ) Good luck Kak Elle.
Hugs for now, for u and Billy boy!
Mush, Basha & Nora & a friendly paw from Gray! meow!
haha nyamok kecik bolih juga masuk...cuma yg besau2 tak birds bolih curi makan skg:)
hehe cute nya Umair...nanti jumpa Billy bolih meow meow ok?
salam kembali dik ku...oh rumah mak ada bela kucing ye?
here's hi to Gray also...I will bring Billy when I have few days leave at the moment he is still with his present family.
wah dua2 pun sangat comel la garpy and billy...
cantik rumah kak elle..
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