Before he arrives all safety has to be looked into ... windows and gate need to be safe enough for him ...

Plastic wire mesh installed at the gate so he won't be able to squeeze through the panels ..... I am very lucky that uncle Chris came and got his help ..... initially he wanted to put sq rods in between the gap but for the gate is made of wrought iron - it will be difficult to drill it.
My bro in law when to look for the stuff and found this plastic wire mesh .... so he bought 2 metres to give it a try ... and ole got the green light from 'big boss' ..... shhhhhhhhh
takpe kak, jail pun jail lah, asalkan Billy selamat & Kak happy
Jail ??? A warder and a prisoner live together with love blooming all around ...hihi.
moral of the story we are happy:)
hahaha .... love story terkini:)
Kak Elle,
Dah ada kawan baru nampak..hehe
kak elle,
so, how and kat mana Billy nak `ehem-ehem'. If Billy can make it in the toilet, then big clap for Billy !!! :)
Aunty Elle,
Another deterrent for Billy, tell him: "you will never survive living in the streets!"...hahaha...
Works for me everytime I wanted to jump out of the main door. purr...meow!
kak elle.. billy can jump you know.. so you better do up the other top half.. hehehe.. then you really live in a jail. tapi tak pe billy kan ada.. he can make you happy.
nampaknya lepas ni we all kena purrr.. meow meow jelah ya bila kak elle put up the food pictures..
That's purrrfect.....
A companion for sure:)
Billy is trainned so I won't have problem:)
Billy was a stray when my friend found and he puts him in a cattery and was fostered by a family but unfortunately there's a problem so I am adopting him now...yes its no longer safe for Billy to be on te street its purrfect staying with me:)
yes we will cover right to the top...once Billy comes my little heaven will be 'jail house rock'...haha
mamamia ...
Billy handsomenya..we just got Abdul Casper a 5mth old Australian Persian. Akan dijodohkan kepada Lady Yoda, Momo and Eva..sekali kawin dapat 3 bini oi!
kak jgn lupa feed the cat once in the morning and once in the evening. lepas makan kalau tak abis alihkan.
air minum dlm bowl always available.
so that they will eat when meal time only. the practise is good for health and also menjinakkan haiwan.
esp when they are indoor pet. so they need to eat sparingly. to avoid problem with their kidney and internal organ and health at large. so that they can be active ...
biiscuit science diet by hills is the best... dont give iams.. no good.. to much additives etc.
mealtime as early as u like and dinner time when you came back from work.
if u leave the food always in the bowl, they will not be attentive to you adn does not need you. since the food is there for them.
so just to share ...
wah sekali dapat 3 bini eh?mesti membiak tu kalau kat sini kucing2 kena tangkap and put to sleep.
thank you for the tips a good lesson for me for being a first time mummy cat:)
salam kak elle
salam kembali pB...
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