Introducing Billy the name sound cute maybe I will stick to his present name .... or shall I call him by another name? any suggestions please ......
The kitchen windows are all been meshed with the plastic wire mesh ..... on sunday my bro in law Saat bought for us to try @ $9/- per metre at a supplier and yesterday when uncle Chris and my bro went to the DIY shop its $30/- per roll of 2 metres - makoi what a diff in price !!!!
but for Billy safety it has to be done or else I am disqualified ..... hehe

The gate too are done now problem the newspaper man couldn't put the morning paper into the gate so I have to unlock the gate and go out to get it but you know rite early in the morning in mysexy ooopss flimsy night dress :) hopefully the neighbours still asleep ... kah kah kah ..
The gate too are done now problem the newspaper man couldn't put the morning paper into the gate so I have to unlock the gate and go out to get it but you know rite early in the morning in my
Ok Billy the house will soon be safe enough for you to move in but unfortunately I can't have you yet as I need to have few days leave so I can get acquinted with you so that you won't feel homesick. That means its during the school holiday only when I can apply for leave ..... btw how am I going on holiday now? who is going to look after Billy? any volunteers?
Till my next entry .............
OMG auntie...u are so into BILLY now n it makes me a bit jealous...hihi..
have fun with billy!!!
Kak Elle, congrats on getting Billy! Such a gorgeous cat! Hv fun with BIlly, i am sure he is already the apple of your eye ; ) Hugs for now, Mush
hope you are not scared of cats like your mama..hehe .... one day when you cats in Russia take a snap of them can?
you ahve act in Belgium rite?maybe I am wrong ... yes Billy is going to brighten up my life:)
Elle Sista,
Samalah kita, cik moon pun ada sorang ni ha kat rumah memang happy sungguh MrSam dengan Jef.
ye ke sape jaga bila you gi holiday? ni skg ngan memikir...hehe
oH WOW.. Billy is so cute... what a beautiful cat...
wah..kak elle..another cat in the house ker? comel la nama Billy tu...mudah nak sebut.
bawa billy gi holiday sekalik tak bleh hahahaha..
so billy's home is ready...wah ada teman dah sekarang tak delah nak layan fb lagi kan. ermm kak elle, nanti kalau bf you datang billy kena simpan dalam bilik kejap eh.. sebab bf you to geli dengan kucing hahaha
eehhh ada sebut nama saya ke ... memang takuttttttt ... tak dapat nak tolong jaga Billy ... hihi.
Aunty Elle,
Billy is so lucky. By the way, dah sunat ke? Or else you'll have spraying problem later on. "Wangi" your house nanti. hehehe...purrr...
one and only lom tau bolih handle tak.
still can FBing with Billy on my lap or on the table...hahaha
tak peduli nak jugak hantar Billy kesana pasal wanmommy sorang yg free...haha
yes dah sunat dan terikat ...biar dia alim sikit...haha
just like his mama huh?...hahaha
nnt grocery list pun kene tambahlah ni ek...billy's food,billy's toys...billy's cloth?erk...hehe.
kak when he 1st arrived. mandi kan dia shampoo baby ok. but make sure air suam .. and dry with towel. before that trim the kuku kaki and tgn.
reason for mandi dia lupa previous home dia. so he settle in comfortably.
haha long list of groceries eh...
thank u for the tips tapi nak mandi tu takut jugak:)
mandikan tapi jirus badan dulu kemudain neck down.
Make sure gently dan stroke dia. tapi muke dan kepala mengadap dinding. so dia tak leeh lopmat bila dia takut ke..
kucing ni cam manusia.. kalau kita comfort dia dia ok.
1st experience must be right.
basuh shmpoo dn bilas dan dry. kepala aka basah kan dng tangan aja. bawah dagu..
whatever that is akak make sure the telinga, hidung tak masuk air tu saja.
kalau berteriak aka suruh duduk diam kejap.
nanti dia merajuk kejap tapi lama lama dia ok.
some cat yg jenis ok ok.
the reason being the body still carry the scent of the old place. that will reminded him and tu yg kucing boleh sampai balik kat umah lama mereka yg over hunder miles kluar at surat khabar.
plus kalau ada kucing lebih dari satu, all male is ok. but mandi kan mereka. so they smells alike. so the scent of the chemical release by the cats represent authoritative, fear, anger and from the old place whhere he came from can provoke different acceptance and jealousy from the other.
so mandi kan semua.
have few. we bathe the each time got new ones home. no fight except playful rough kejar kejar..
with this hot weather and eventho the cats is indoor we wash them every mmonths once. so all the dead skin and danddruff cleanse.and the chances to develope ticks is very unlikely. cotton bud to clean the ears..
kak litter tray letak alas newspaper to absorb the urine.
letak the litter sand enugh3 mug full, so after the whole day boleh buang them.
the newspaper is good as alas for the urine and better for them kais kaisbefore and after the weeing and pooing.
what ever habits you want to instil inthem you have to introduce it now and stick to it asap upon their arrival and consistently onwards... they are a creature of habits.
you feel the house different bila balik rumah gelap gelita..
but please give them biscuit science diet. never try give them can food. bad for their kidney and internal organ.
and use a measuring cup. if you want to treat the cat once in the a while you berimakan lebih sikit.
since you live in the aprtment tall bldg these are the best way to manage cas(s) indoor.
we have more than 5 cats and we have lived in a flat smaller than yours ...it is all how you want it to be...
btw kucing adalah hainwan kesayangan Rasullullah saw.
good luck..
few things, never ever try and give our food eg: kita makan ayam and the cat came, we give what we ate then to the cat for the sake of testing.
nanti dia terhabit.. so kalau dia lapar kita lewat minta makan but it is not their meal time yet, kita ignore nanti dia akan jadi terbiasa curi makanan kita.
tu yg pantang letak something kat atas meja mereka mereka curi makan. sebab mereka tahu itu makanan.
theother is please don beri makan in between meals, sebab mereka akan minta gradually more in between meals. that is ok when you are free, try that when u r busy...
so akak kena start dgn morning 1 scope of eg biscuit. habis atau tidak simpan dan tutup dlm bekas kedap udara supaya baunya masih ada dan tak masuk angin. sebab kalau dah stale dan masuk angin mereka akan makan sikit dan kejap lagi later minta lagi.. so membazir dan tak practical.
so akak letak after 10 mins simpan.
balik klerja akak beri makan same amount.
so klalau pagi makan sikit, malam dia akan makan habis betul betul sampai empty bowl nya.
so takde la nak makan berulang.
immediate ly or soon after eating the their meal 3-5-10 mins they will do their toilet poo and wee etc.
so you can scoop the poo our and flush it in the toilet bowl.
the litter sand which was soiled with urine can be buang together with newspaper alas tu. and replace it with a new one.
if these are managed properly, you'd be expecting the poo to be in a std hard version and easy to manage.
kalau mereka diarrhea u know then the cat suffered ailment.
need to see the vet.
That is why best to stick the cats diet to one type and one made and dry biscuit.
so that their poo is solid.
kalau can , tendencies to get non solid poo is there and can get messy.
the can food is actually too rich to their kidney and liver organ to process in the long run.
that is where they can get problem..
why i inform you these?
so that you can live a comfortable and manageable time and space together in the long run. the other thing is that when you feed them according to time as i mentioned they will be attentive and respective of rules anf owner.
if u leave the food bowl there fully laden, then the cats just wallop the food and always fully stuffed(which is bad for them healthwise and bad for you as toilet always soiled, busuk and full of poo sebab makan terlampau banyak), and the can get the sense/signals i don't need to come to you for food. because the food is always there.
finally my cats macam billy garpy tu sekor is 17years old,2 is 16 years old. the other is 10 years old.
kucing ni kalau letak satu balang pun dia boleh makan. so akak kena set rules.
lagi satu kak, pls letak satu big besen air minum . kalau rajin tukar hari hari, klau tak whenever u can.
letak penuh penuh, full to the brim and since it the wide brim basin/besen/mangkuk they like to kuak they air before minum and it is heavy sudah nak terbalik and tumpah.
what ever happens, as long as the water is there topped up, kalau tak makan they will still survive if anything....
my cats survived until know alhamdullillah.
one more thing, my cats knew it kalau dia buat salah atau when i raised my voice marah mereka.
old boys..
go beyond the horizon...
thank you so much for all the info as first timer'mom'it is very useful ...is there a way I email you?I can get into your website...
u can email me lattie@starhub.net.sg
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