Yesterday saturday 16th my day starts with busy in the morning making dadih to bring to my sis place in the evening to celebrate my niece Nana's 11th birthday with BBQ at my sis condo... but beofre that I had a wedding lunch to attend of my ex colleague son's at the Marina was nice to meet all my old friends again from Jurong Hospital some whom I last met more than 10 yrs ago.

Here we are from the GM and lab techonolgist ,pharmacist and matrons we finally get to meet again.

with the bridal couple ....yam senggggg..... hahaha

The birthday girl in blue tees ....

her birthday cake done by the sister Huda ....look nice rite?

some of the BBQ meat ...
Then today sunday 17th Jan my niece Syida's engagement at 3pm .... I was busy making kuih cara lauk in the morning to bring over and also managed to do a basketful of assorted chocolates since I have lots at home:)

The kuih cara lauk I did ......

with my niece Syida who as planned the wedding in 2 yrs time ....

Isn't she pretty - picture of jer with her engagement ring in the bird's cage:)

Photo with my sisters and Syida....
You've had a blast, Kak Elle.
A very pretty bride too :)
Syida memang cantik... berseri-seri... I like her dress... very nice. Glad you had good times... Esok - kerja lak... Huhuhu!
wah, what a busy weekend ... sian Billy ...hehehe.
back to busy weekend! Cantik Syeeda. havea good week ahead kakElle
Salam Elle,
What a busy, busy weekend you had!
salam kak elle,
boleh bg resepi kuih cara?...
Kak...cantik syida tu...selamat bertunang untuknya...
Dah lama tak buat kuih cara berlauk...macam sedap pulak tgk kih tu...
yes a very tiring weekend indeed...
she is very photogenic:)
tu lah sian kat BILLY kan?
she is very sweet whats more dgn makeup bertambah cantik...hehe
kak nora...
its ok tak every weekend busy macam tu.
ibu and abah...
go to my
recipe ada di situ.
terima kasih atas pihak syida:)
Hectic nyer... my weekend was spent sleeping and watching tv jer... tak productive langsung!
What is the function of dress? Cannot understand kenapa pengantin perempuan pakai yg menampakkan aurat mereka in front of strange men?
Kesian...nanti husband dapat anugrah DAYUS di hari akhirat nanti...
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