Its a very hot day today that I had to have a second shower now ..... now how I wish it will rain .... hahaha

Billy tried a new kibbles today - compliment from the owner of a pet shop that just open near my place.

This instant ice cream was given to me by Cikmilah when I was in KL in April last year and only get around to do it this morning.

I packe make 4 cups of ice cream ....

it turns out yummy and just look at that lovely texture ..... next time can add cut strawberries:)
psst cikmilah bolih belikan lagi tak?
Till my next entry.......
altho those ice cream looks so good, it gives chills down my throat, sini sejuk gila Kak Elle.... jadi memang dah lama tak makan ice cream = (
Oh, rupa2nya cikmilah yang bagi ya... Pecah rahsia... haha.
billy makan aiskrim tak hehe
what can I say you have all the cold weather and everything:)
sebab cikmilah tak masuk FB so kena lah thank her kat sini:)
Billy tak bolih makan tu semua tapi cium aje bolih....
nampak sedap aiskrim tu auntie..nak sikit..hehe
meh lah kalau nak:)tapi kat sana dah cukup sejuk kan?
bole.. bole...brapa mau.. hehehehe
berapa flavour ada? saya nak vanilla and strawberries aje...haha
Kak Elle, kat sini pun panas gila..
Nak beli ice cream, anak2 tengah selsema, batuk, demam semua ada...
mmg dah musim panas ni...
eeii..macam sedap la icecream home made tu..nak pi cari la nak buat hehehe
Wah kak ada jugak instant eskrim...macam2 ada sekarang yang kak
Ice cream for Cat is very good.
I love cats.
Have a nice day.
sori lambat respond ye
cikmilah bagi kat saya masa di curve last year baru teringat nak buat:)
thank you:)and meooow
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