Oh wow 7 days gone by and what have I done this whole week? except for looking after Billy and going to work nothing much been done....except I managed to get a new handphone Samsung Omnia11 no regrets getting it as I can logon to FB from work with my mobile....hehehe....as you know the school block few websites.

with the new mobile I've been taking lots of Billy's picture with it and also his video recording.....above Billy watching his own video.

Mosaic shot of Billy's face....

Last night I make tahu telur for dinner and it turned up yummy .....

hehe his reaction when he couldn't share it with me ..... muka masam sekali:)

another mosaic shot from the school garden .... not bad huh this mobile phone?
Amboi Kak Elle, ni kira gadjet baru for the new year lah ya? Cepatkan rasanya how time flies...
new gadget yang best!! hehee..
Billy yang sakan jadi model yerr..
Dear Elle,
Got yourself a new toy? Nice shots of Billy and flowers in the school garden.
amek peluang beli baru the last hp dah 2 tahun lebih.
aha anything new mmg best and nasib baik ada model:)
kak nora...
yes plentiful of pictures to snap:)
Kak Elle,
How did you cook the tauhu??? What's that on the top??? Nampak sedap wei. I'm minah tauhu... Haha!
Aunty Elle,
Billy is my kind of boy...kuat merajuk but pandai posing...hahahah...
sedap Billy landing nampak...
nanti I leave the method in your FB box
angeline ...
haha tengok lah how he jeling tu?
mmg si Bily tu tak bolih nak renggang.
Dearest Kak,
I also want d recipe to dat tahu telor la...boleh...plse pretty plse!! so YUMMY!!
please email me at sarah_sincity@yahoo.com.sg
Many thanks!!
waaahhh... syok dapat yg baru.. kasi saya yg lama tu ya...
oh ya, the tahu telur.. camna bikin kak elle..??
Salam kak elle, lama tak jalan2 blog kawan2. Hope the new year brings lots of happy stories..
Take care...
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