The truth its them are all I have to be with and enjoying our meeting always ... friends who understand you well enough that you can joke with and swear with under the sun

So we had deepavalli dinner and the menu too just nice for the occassion ......
I did the vegetarian vindaloo which is an indian dish .... CW doesn't take meat being a vegetarian so have to accomodate dishes that he can eat ... I did begedil too plain ,the prawns been in my freezer since 1st day of raya so yesterday I decide to cook them - sambal prawns ... ooops sorry Mulan and Cath just drool ok?...hahaha....
I also did kuih cara berlauk and durian cara and the guys seem to like the durian filling better and it was a sold out Peter did ask next time can do again ya? ok if I don't get cheated by the ah pek....hahaha
Jereme did the favourite ayam rempah and stir fried veges .... and Peter bake butter cake - ah 4got to snap a picture anyway that recipe I gave him when I was in Auckland in 1998 and he has been doing the cake ever since.

Just look at my handsome boy - Garpy .... oi Garpy your tit showing lah....hahaha

This is Mini - she is very quiet doesn't play much with the rest but likes to glide and rub his head against you when you are sitting down.
wow.. back in action...I enjoy reading 2 entries in a row..
I like kata2 arwah mak akak, very true indeed, berkawan/berkawin lah dengan sesiapa sahaja yang buat kita gembira .
Amboi macam2 food ada , yummyyyyy.
tengok berapa lama bolih pertahan:)when the laziness strike again then it will be another story.
kata2 yg sungguh bermakna...melilih sendiri belakang hari jgn menyesal tiada sape nak di salahkan.
hahaa... nampaknya ada orang ikut jejak kak Elle.. updating 2 days in a row hehee..
mak neeza pun cakap, kawan dengan melayu susah.. (time dia sekolah dulu la). Kawan2 dia ramai cina and india.. and benggali..
ni asal rajin kalau malas nnt seminggu pun tak update..
Kak...seronok dengar aktiviti kak elle masa divali...enjoy!!
Bila angin rajin berblog dah sampai...memang rajinlah buat entry...heheheh
hello Kak Elle, firstly our apologies ye tak sempat dapat bertemu muka kali ni kita balik kampung. We saw Little India some weeks ago, the bazaar was very colourful indeed = ) Was is a long weekend for u then? We didnt know exactly when it was actually. Anyways, glad to read your entries again! Salam from Belgium. Mush
angin malas melanda blog tido rajin sampai buat 2 hari berturut...
Divali setahun sekali patut juga kongsi sama beraya kan?..haha
I was waiitng for your call...I don't have your number to call...
divali was on saturday 17th and its long weekend for me as the school replace back the PH today monday.
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