Yesterday Mas & Dodie arrived actually they arrived at 2pm and since I am working their friend Emi went to fetch them at the airport and bring them to her place first till I get home from work.The minute I got home I prepare to cook laksa nyonya this is because when D sms me I ask her what she wants laksa or prawn mee? The rempah was balance of sunday's and I also have the laksa mee so just need to buy fish ball and taugeh only.I waited for them so we can have dinner together but unfortunately they went to another friend's place and by the time they arrived was past 10pm .... I had mine first at 7.45pm too late to wait and moreover I am used to have dinner at that time.

teka dah, mesti mereka berdua .... amboi tak sunyilah akak minggu ni ...have fun to you and puteri2 KL tu :)
sape lagi princess dr KL kan?hehe
mmg happy ada teman hujung minggu ni mereka akan ke Batam sat/sun...and my aunty and hubby akan kesini pulak.
Kak Elle,
Have a nice weekend with your two princesses :)
Kak...seronok dpt berjumpa mas & dodie yang ceria & happening tu...
Have fun kak...
naz ...
you too have anice weekend:)
hehe kat KL mana ada lagi princess?yg lain seme dah jadi queen control...hahaha
wahhh sure havoc umah kak elle ngan 2 princesses yg eppy go lucky tu!have a nice weekend.
sungguh hebat dan meriah when they are around ...hehe
heppp.. mana ada queen control.. i am queen of leisure okkk... because i got no one to control for the time being.. hahaha
control anak kan?....hahaha
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