What can I say looks like my daily happenings will not be updated as frequent again because the lazy bug hit me again ......
Nothing much happen lately only the usual having to redo the isam for transferring the record from ntrix .... days and weeks I've been up to it and after almost done I was told there's changes and here we go again .... editing most parts.....back breaking sitting doing it all 760 students.
I did some cooking for few days since it was along weekend last week ........

I did my own begedil of late because C love the home-made as it has nutmeg in it .... soon my biceps will just as big as those boxers .... haha ....

The vegetarian vindaloo we had on deepavali day with the buddies .....

I make laksa nyonya on monday ... eating alone since no one come to visit now .... and the left over rempah and laksa noodle I fried them with prawns and cockles on thursday morning and brought it to work to share with my friends .. no picture 4got to snap .... I gave our maths teacher Paul Tham to try and he gave the .....
thumbs up

so now I know in future I can do this dish when I have guests .....

The last time I had the above must be more than 15 yrs ago ... mee sua soup.... I did that and it was so nice to have something soupy for a change:)
Here comes the weekend again hmmm..... can't think of what to cook but not interesting if you just cook for yourself the amount of work is the same ......
I will probably just laze around again today and tomorrow ..ooopsssssssss cannot I am expecting guests next week so better do some cleaning up.
till my next entry ..............