I was invited to have dinner with my sisters and their family but who knows they have planned something for me not only a yummylicious dinner but they threw in a party as well......hahaha
Let the pictures do the talking .......
Thank you Aini & Kam,Ramlah & Saat and to my nephews and nieces for making my 60th birthday a blast.....and the presents too:)

Birthday Queen Latifah ...... ice cream cake compliment of Swensen's ......

My lovely present from Aini .... a Ferragamo bag and also a $200.00 angpow from Ram not forgetting a Liz Clairborne wallet from darling Adriana.

The party makers ......

with my 2 sisters Ram & Aini

hehe balloons and all ......
Indeed a 60th birthday to remember .... afterall we are only 60 once ....
I thank to HIM for giving me the chance to live in this world and thank you too for giving me a beautiful family too.

We ordered this baked rice lobster to share .... yummy

and my main dish of cray-fish with tiger prawns a steak ......
till my next entry ...........
tahniah kak...moga tahun2 mendatang pun begitu juga...dan moga hidup sentiasa diberkatNya ..Amin..
Mwah mwah mwah I am happy for you. May u always be in the best of health.
Taniah kak Elle n selamat hari lahir moga sentiasa diberkati Allah.amin
thank u dgn doa2 di beri:)
hehehey...Ferragamo satu dapat....hahaha
terima kasih:)
wah, meriahnya party tu , siap ada belon lagi tu, gambar cats pulak tu ... semoga semakin bahagia dan ceria akak serta billy .
hahaha yes belon pun ada kucing:)
Kak...rasanya meriah betul birthday kali ni...tak sangka ye kak ...dah 60 dah...
Ramai adik beradik & anak2 sedara yang merayakannya...
Aunty Elle,
Whoa! You're a party animal too! Ehem...cantik beg tu. Angelina nak satu! purrr....meow!
syukur masih ada yg sayang dan ingat kan?
yes include cats balloon too waht a way to celebrate huh?
syukur alhamdullilah, kak elle masih ada yg ramai sayang kepada kak elle! kami doakan semoga kak elle happy & sihat2 selalu.... always smiling and joyous! hugs from us to u and Billy boy!
thank you too for all the good wishes...yes I am still being loved:)
Kak Elle,
Glad that your family had a birthday party for you. You look good in the pictures... Happy 16th again!
Hi Elle,
Selamat Memyambut Hari Jadi yang ke 60. Saya tumpang gembira melihat sambutan meriah harijadi yang diraikan bersama seisi keluarga yang tersayang! Semoga dipanjangkan usia, dimurahkan rezeki dan diberkatiNya selalu!
Kak Elle,
Happy happy happy birthday. That warning to Billy is still valid sampai next birthday ya ;)
I'm so happy I got to know you. A kind soul...gledespreder! :)
yes a surprise for me wit all that tiara and all....hahaha
Siew Lin....
terima kasih cikgu:)
ok I will tell Billy that:)
Kak elle,
i dont believe you are 60..someone must have made a mistake when they jot down your birth date hahahaha..
Am glad for you kak..indeed, we only have one chance to be 60. Those balloons are sooo cute nak satuuu..
yes I AM 60 no mistakes....hahaha
great day... great food & great family.. may u be blessed with great health & happiness forever..
Seronoknyer tgk Queen seronok celebrating birthday :) Happy kan??
D suka balloon2 tu...so cute !!!
alhamdulillah di beri family yg masih ingat pada their big sister:)
never imagine they plan this!!am very happy:)
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