Billy in his birthday outfit I bought for him ......

Its all the February birthdays ....
Alhamdulillah another birthday for me and I am 60yrs old .... I am officially a senior citizen:)

Happy birthday to myself .........

27th February aslo see's Mamamia's birthday.... semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
Happy Birthday Kak Elle!
May you be healthy and happy ALWAYS!
thank you:)
selamat hari lahir utk kak elle..
semuga panjang umur murah rezeki dan di permudah segala urusan amin..
Aunty Elle,
Sampai hati pakaikan baju pada Billy...I won't even be seen dead in one. hahahahaha...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aunty Elle, Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, jaga kesihatan, jaga Billy.... purrr....meow!
terima kasih dan mudah2an akan di panjangkan umur:)
haha don't you think Billy look cute:)
and thank you for the birthday wishes.
Hepi Besday sista elle, awet mudalah kak elle nih...
Selamat Ulang Tahun,Elle. Oh my, doesn't Billy look handsome n funny too!
Kak...Happy Birthday...May you always be happy...healthy and stay charming...
thank you ...awet muda???nak tau rahsia tak?..hahaha
kak nora...
thank you
setahun lagi yg akan di tempuhi:)
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