Salam and sorry for being away for long period again.I am now on 5 weeks leave and 2 weeks gone by already and nothing done except eat and sleep.There are 101 things that I am suppose to do but there's always tomorrow and by the look of things even by end of the 5th week it will still be there!!!
I have to clear my leave as I can't carry forward to next year and this is the best time end of the year.Life with Billy has been good and it has been 1 year since I adopted Billy.We are still learning each others language and so far I can read his mind....hahaha
Little Suzzie arrival is delayed apparently she has the flu and we don't want Billy to get it from her and to play safe hence the delay.Her penthouse is all ready awaiting her arrival.
She will isolated from Billy first and hopefully will have no problem with Billy in accepting her so she won't be in the cage for long.
My youngest brother has done some comic strips on Billy and here are the 3 he did for me so far am thinking of making them into 2011 calendar.

I will update again soon I hope till then take care and have a nice day.
Aunty Elle,
The comic strips are so funky!!!! I want one too. purrr...meow!
Hahaha... kak the comic strips are funny...pandai dia...
Kak Elle,
memang funny! azzah dan anak2 gelak tak henti2...
anak Azzah cakap, dia suruh adik Kak Elle lukis lagi banyak2 dan compile jadi 1 buku komik... then you can send it to the publisher and publish it... then it's copyright control...
I advise you put watermark on the image of the cartoons, so that others will not "curi" and claim it's theirs...
Angelina ...
hi hi hi at last I am here again
yes the comic strips is cute rite?
my brother ni is a teacher and hi a graphic designer diploma holder
nanti nak kompol banyak2 bolih buat buku.
Cantiknya rumah Suzzie!
kak, jom update blog semula.
hahaha.. agrre with Azzah, best al komik tu..
Jom jom jom.. kita update blog...
penthouse skg tukar penghuni saya adopt Jingga...tu lah malas sungguh nak berbloging lagi
Cik Milah...
insya'allah akan cuba blog lebih kerap:)
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