A year has passed since Billy came into my life and it has been a wonderful year.From a person who was not only scared but also feels eek towards feline I've learnt to love them as each day went by.
He may not speak my language but all the same I understand his language when he wants things and he knows and listen when I talk to him.
He understands simple command and it brings me happiness:)
My second month with him was a difficult month when he decides to pee on my comforter few occassions ,
the frustration I got when I came home from work and almost wanted to give him up!
I perservere and gave him a second chance rather than sending him back to the cattery.
As the days,weeks and months went by I learn that he is one very sensitive cat who wants his way.
He is naughty at times and did something which he shouldn't have done but he is afterall a cat.
He is there looking at me with a sad look before I leave for work and he is there to welcome me home from work
with his 'maa...aa' greetings and stretch himself on the floor for me to love him with a rub on his neck.
He is my alarm clock even during the month of Ramadhan he will wake me up at the dot 4.30am and he will also has his morning meal with me at 5am.
Nothing in this world will I trade him for another.
He is my COMPANION in good and bad times.
He is my LOVER at bedtime - sleeping in his tray on my bed.
All I ask for on this first anniversary that god will grant us,
Many more happy years together .. insya'allah.
He is there every morning to greet me 'good morning Maa...a'
and I will always be there for you Billy and mummy love you :)

Salam Kak Elle,
wahhh..lamanya baru muncul n3 baru ni blog...ialah..semua orang dah berhijrah ke facebook...
to you and Billy...
May both of you will have many more happy years together
Hehehe Kak...at last muncul jugak di blog..
Like fb but love blogging...hehehe..
Wish there's a cat around at home coz these few days i found out there's a mice at my house in Putrajaya!
Happy anniversary kak elle n billy
Aunty Elle,
Kan my Mama said, 'tak kenal maka tak cinta'....betul tak? Happy Anniversary!!!!
Jangan nakal-nakal tau! Nanti kakak Angelina geget tau! purrr.....meow!
ohh.. happy 1st anniversary with billy...
billy, jangan nakal tau..
Azzah ..
now cuti bolih merayap buat entry...ikut mmg malas nak blogging sebab FB:)
terkejut juga buka ada comments...hehe
ingat semua dah lupa:)
been lazy my dear now stuck with facebook everyday..
Billy been good so far and am getting another soon Suzzie
thank you cepat masa berlalu kan?
Salam kak... lamanya tak update blog...
Sekejap je rasa Billy dengan akak ye...
Kalaulah Billy faham... mesti dia bangga sebab akak siap buat entry anniversary buat dia...
Semoga dia akan sentiasa menceriakan hidup akak... dan akak pulak akan sentiasa dpt membahagiakan dan menjaganya dgn baik...
cepat masa berlalu kan?dia lah penghibur saya di masa2 yg sunyi kat rumah.
Salam kak Elle,
your posting sums up my feeling on the felines.And Billy fits the description of my Dello...tak tahulah what will happen if he is not around....especially for a pensioner like me.
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