I have been busy at work too and will be moving to a new sickbay soon with bigger room and more beds too.
3 weeks ago I did some charity work by making and selling my sambal tumis ikan bilis at work and alhamdulillah a good collections was accomplished....proceed goes to Metta Cattery.
The sambal flown all the way to Korea - hand carried by Nora .... hehe ... cam mana Nora better than kimchi?
Billy has been more manja than ever - spoilt by yours truly of course!
Last weekend I was in KL to attend my dear Dodie's wedding reception and I am honoured to be seated at the VIP table amongst her parents and parents in law ... but too shy as I am an outsider:)
My being in KL is only known to a few friends and I pm some that I will be in KL on 29th and 30th May a very tight schedule so can't meet all of them.Those who acknowledge came to visit me at the hotel Room 1518.....hahaha
Aunty Elle,
Purrrlease have mercy on some of us who are not on FB. Anyway, I wish you can send some sambal tumis to us. Sadly, the customs won't let it in. purrr....meow!
Kak...anie balik ke Melaka...sebab cik abang tak jadi ke Shah Alam...so missed the event...takpelah len kali insyallah kita dpt jumpa ye...
uish... Mulan buat U-turn lagik!!!!hahaha. Mmg ler kalau akak turun KL, sure gempak punya...
Take care...
How I wish I can do that and send u the sambal:)
takpe masing2 sibuk dgn hujung minggu yg panjang...insya'allah kalau ada kesempatan lagi kan?
hehe itew U-Turn banyak kelakar lor...
Mulannnnnn....apa ceritanya?! haha!
Kak Elle, ure not and outsider lar...ure part of my family already. Hihi...LOVE U so much!!
Kak elle nyer sambal mmng power! Dah abis dah D & ian kerja kan sama lempeng! Pergh!!!!
Naz ...
u kena tanya Mulan....hehe
segan tau Ddie duduk ngan parents and parents in law meja sebelah all men baju pink asyik tengok aje must be wondering sape pulak nyonya ni duduk meja VIP....hahaha
sambal mmg tak cukup kan?tak bolih bawa banyak ikut container tu...sape last untung dpt 2 sebab member lain tak bolih jumpa!
ngape la saya tak sampai last sekali...?? apa2 pon.. memang lucu.. tak sangka lak hubby saya boleh bikin u-turn. hehehe.. exit @ duke to kuantan just around the corner.. on time pulak tu.. hehehe, rejeki saya.. rejeki.. alhamdulillah.. thanx kak elle..
mentang nak last ye?hehe sudah buat itew u-turn sudah bagus loh...hahaha...mesti best kan sampai licin...
sadly i cannot make a u-turn on that day huhuhu...next time akak turun KL kasi tau yer...insyaAllah dapat jumpa.. :)
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