Rina came to Singapore in late 2007 with her hubby Anuar and 2 youngest children Izzat and Mimi then I get to meet her 2 princesses Sofie and Sumayyah who are both studying in Ukraine and Korea respectively.The 2 girls came to stay with me and they were on their own during the day when I go to work but being oversea studying they know what to do they venture on their own during the day and as arranged with them they are to have dinner with me at night....their stay was too short as the day when I am off over the weekend they departed for KL.
I now have met all members of the family and I am happy to say I take them as my own nephews and nieces:)
Below are photos I took of them on their visit yesterday and I cook lontong and its accessories to go with it and its their first time to see lontong the Singapore style:)

Tetamu dtng bawa rezeki....
I've known Umair thro his wanmommy's blog too...
Wah kak!!...dah dapat peluk umair ye...geram tgk dia...kalau anie pun dah gigit2 kan dia...
masih jeles tengok Umair tu duk diam dalam dakapan akak ...hihihi .
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend of us ... rasa macam dah keluarga kami je .
Aunty Elle,
Billy is so shy....if I were him I would play with Umair and let my belly be tickled by him. He's so cute....purrr...meow!
insya'allah tetamu membawa rezeki ye
macam tak percaya dia hendak juga saya pegang dia:)
jangan jeles esok lusa nanti pun Rina akan jumpa Umair dan family mesti dia nak ikut kali ni...hehehe
its unusual for Billy to be shy..maybe kalau girl dia layan...hahaha
oohh... nanti saya nak pi sana lagi.. masak byk2 tau..
di persilakan....insya'allah selagi badan ni sihat ye
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