First you had trouble getting out of bed

You washed your hair and couldn't do a thing with it

You pulled a muscle when you tried to exercise

Your new hat looked better on you at the store

You keep losing things

You got caught in the rain at lunchtime
down sangat2 hari ni, kenapa bila kita nak buat sesuatu orang lain pun tiba-tiba nak potong que, kenapa, kenapa, selama ni tu bukan interest dia........sedihhh
Hahahaha..Bravo Kak Elle..sedaapnyer entry you today!! Very enjoyable sangat2!
Aunty Elle,
Is that Billy drinking from the toilet bowl? har har har *evil thoughts*
its awlays like that kan?take one day at a time ok:)
it cheers us up rite:)
same feline but different coat...hahaha
Kak...hahaha...kelakar muka kucing2 tu...cute!!
it makes our day kan tengok gambar2 ni?
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