First of all my apology for abandoning my daily happenings maybe I should change it to my monthly happenings .... ever since I am more active on FB the blog have been neglected and I also didn't do much travelling to other blogs too.
So if you don't visit them they too won't visit you for sure ....
I am happy that I adopted Billy he is such an adorable cat that I am giving him all attention and love to him .... life is never the same anymore - eventhough I don't speak his lingo he seems to understand what I am talking about....hahaha
Time spent with him is unmeasureable .... he comes to you when he's been called and answer you with his meow ... I seem to be able to understand him now:)
He is very playful at his young age always wanting to surprise me with his chases and coming to snuggle against you not for food but for a good rub-rub.
Here's some pictures of Billy with his sofabed ... he spends lots of his time on this sofa and sooner or later it might not fit him anymore - just look at his long lanky body...ngam2...

Foodwise I only cook during the weekend and will be eating them through the week and sometimes I just dropby the stalls and tapau for dinner.
Once again dear friends of the blogland please accept my apology once more and if you like you can add me on FB and I will respond faster than in here.
till my next entry .....