Seeing is believing and thats how Billy felt last night when I showed him the paper that publish his story.
The way he looks at the paper seem as though he knows thats all about him rite? but actually to get his attention to look at the paper need a bit of coaxing too.

Billy if you are proud that you are in the paper mummy is even more proud that mummy's name is there too:)
Salam kak Elle...
apa khabar? lama tak menjenguk sini... and I MISS your Bday also!!! How could I? sorryyyy ya... sooooo maaannnnyyyyyyyyyyyy things occupy my minds now... hurm... hope can slow down...
anyway ... Billy is sooo cute... lucky you... walau Azzah suka kucing, tpi tak boleh bela coz anak ada semput... nanti dengn ummi2 nya terus semput!!. hehehehe...
its ok tapi birthday anak2 jgn lupa ye kang merajuk budak2 tu...hehe
amboi billy sampai masuk paper.. famus la lepas ni.. ramai peminat datang rumah nanti sape nak layan tu hehe
wah..wah...billy pengerat kejiranan katanya...wayyy to goo billy boyyy. mummy must be very proud of you..
tu lah sape sangka kan?ni Billy dah famous Zino nak paw authograph tak?
cewah kan?Billy jadi celebrity...
Ohhh...nama mummy dia pun ade eh...? Mesti mummy & Billy bangga kan?
mummy and Billy senyum lebar...
ehh masuk paper laaaaaaaaaaa ..
amboiiii mcm artissssssssss la Billy kak elle nih
nak jadi celebriti kucing...hahahha
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