As I have written before my birthday celebration continues for 7 days and 7 nights .... hahaa
Last night as tradition is my turn to give them a treat - this the Jellanies way of saying thank you so we shared what we have ...whats goes round comes around.
Dinner buffet was at Sakura @ Clementiwoods Park .... this is for 19 of us...they gave us 5 tables.
Food was a plenty with generous flow of topping up.

These are my sisters and nieces ..... some nieces only .... the younger ones 3 of them play their own games.
I like to thank everyone in the family who gave me presents and hongbaos ....
A 60th birthday blast was a real blast:)
dah 60 but still gorgeous!
Happy belated birthday semuga kak elle sentiasa sihat dan bahagia di samping cik billy....
thank u for the compliment dah tua lah Ezza.
kak Elle
ada tag .. sila la kalau rajin... hehehe
sila check it out dari blog saya
oh no saya tak suka buat tag...haha
Alamak your 60th birthday already? Sorry to be late in wishing - here's to 60 more!
MA ....
thanks another 60 more hehee...insya'allah kalau di beri kesihatan yg baik.
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