1st April 2011 was a night the Jellanies will not forget for a long time.A night full of surprises awaits everyone.Since my birthday I've been keeping the secret of my sister Maria & hubby's arrival to myself as requested by them.I am to arrange dinner when everyone will be together and we chose 1st April to make it into an april fool joke. I smsed to all the siblings that I am giving a treat as a belated birthday treat from me to them with a msg attendance is compulsary!no question asked:) ... Maria and John arrived on 15th March and stayed 1 night before leaving the next morning for Nepal and Bhutan for 2 weeks.My heart was jumping wanting so much to prepare the rest but a promise is a promise. They came back on 30th March and again I met up with them as they were then staying at The Elizabeth as its in the package.For the 2nd time they sneaked to my place for dinner and fyi my youngest sister live 2 blocks away from me. Then came the gala night ... initially we arranged that Maria and John walk in when everyone is present then came the smses some maybe late so we decide we will be there early and wait for them and thats when the shocked & surprised faces as they saw the guests of honour.It was a night of fun fun fun ...

the five spice girls ... latifah,maria,lina,ram and aini
the Jellanies occupied the whole room

my still in shock bro in law Kam
John and Maria

Maria and Lina
surprise!! oh you are here...
another surprise sister Aini when she saw Maria and John

beautiful Maria I like this picture:)
me and Maria we are too busy catching up ... but we look so natural this way:)
they bothleft for Texas on sunday evening but before that the weekend was nothing but eat and eat with the siblings.
Till their next visit to Singapore I wish them both good health.
Aunty Elle,
What a wonderful surprise I'm sure. Wow! You have Spice Girls in the family! I like. purrr....meow!
Angelina spice girl aka minah rempah:)
Kak...memang surprise... masa memula baca tajuk... tak dpt teka apa surprise nya...rupanya Maria & John balik... Mesti seronok ye kak... dpt berkumpul semua...bukan senang nak jumpa semua sekali...
Anie pun tumpang seronok mendengarnya...
Mana tak surprisenya kak... Texas tu bukannya dekat..jauhhh tu... hehehe..
seronok dapat berkumpul sekeluarga kan kak...
Anie tak semua yg dapat hadir tapi adik beradik cukup semua nya..cuma anak2 sedara yg ada tak dpt dtg.
Azwa sungguh hebat sekali:)
Muni tak selalu berjumpa esp yg jauh di mata tu so bila pulang seronok habis
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