Greeting once again wow its been a while since I last wrote no other excuse but just pure laziness to blog.Nothing much to write except on the boys and I am pretty sure you'll be bored to death reading about them all the time.
Jingga has been with me for 3 months now from a mere 1kg kitten he is now 3.8kg when last weight at the vet for his vaccination.Last friday I had him neutured and he had an uneventful recovery infact when I fetch him that evening he was wide awake making so much noise maybe hungry plus doesn't like the place:)
He is getting along very well with Billy and being big brother Billy been looking after him well too but the jumping and pounding on each other is normal when you have 2 at home.Jingga like to snuggle next to Billy when sleeping.

I hope the 2 will continue to be brotherly and love each other like normal human being love for own siblings.
I will try and update again soon.